Month: October 2015

UVU Conference on Family

I’ll be attending and/or presenting at two upcoming conferences on the family and you’re invited! The World Congress of Family IX has been hosted in major cities around the world, but never in the U.S…..until now. And I am proud to say it will be here, where I live, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The dates are October 27-30, 2015 and here is the website for more information:

The second conference is even closer to home and much more local. I am a professor at Utah Valley University and every year the College of Humanities and Social Sciences hosts a Conference on the Family. It will be held on Nov. 6, 2015. Here is the website link and a flyer:

UVU Conference on Family 2015

UVU Conference on Family 2015

And here is how you order tickets (it’s free and no ticket required for UVU students)

I will be presenting and this is the class description. Please come! I’d love to see you there.

Flexible, Feisty and Fearful: 3 Main Temperament Styles in Children – Julie Nelson, professor and author 

Join Julie as she outlines each of the 3 main temperament styles in children. She will explore the strengths – and weaknesses – of each, and highlight how parents can adjust their own style to create a ‘goodness of fit’ to meet the needs of the child. Join her as she illustrates how understanding these temperament styles can help parents build healthy self-esteem within their children, and nurture a positive parent-child relationship. 

I’m so thrilled to live near and be a part of communities and a state that is pro-family. These conferences and organizations are lifting societies, families, and individuals to live a more meaningful, fulfilling life with the people they love.